Saturday, February 16, 2013

Look what I found

I realized I forgot to write about this, but I just thought I would share....

I was recently talking to my grandma about everything, life, doubt, faith, etc.... She was telling me that my sister had won her court case with my nephews custody and how they had prayed and prayed about it for months and years and now its finally happened. Anyway, my Grandma was saying all these little signs she was noticing, and the most interesting was she said she keeps finding little tiny white feathers in the weirdest places, and she cant figure out where they are coming from. She said she feels its a sign that angels are watching over them. There is no other explanation for the feathers.  The next day I was cleaning up the house literally all day, and when I went to clean the coffee table I looked down and this is what I see...

I was astonished! Here I am talking to my Grandma in Aurora, Colorado about this yesterday and here this is today. I got very excited and sent this picture to my sister. I mentioned to her what Grandma was telling me about the feathers, and she sends back a message with the following picture!!! She was in Parker Colorado when she sent this....
Now this very well could be a very big coincidence, but I just had to share!!

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